Electric Guitars, Synths & Electronic Drums library of 121 presets for uvi Falcon. Guitars and basses sounds are created with string module Pluck. Synths, bass synths, pads, leads and drums sounds created only with uvi Falcon oscilators module. No external samples in this soundset. All presets are open, and you can edit each preset to your own.
Music examples created with only E.G.S.E.D. presets, no external effects are used. Except Metal example where are used drum samples which are not part of preset library. There is Metal example without drum.
Chilled Guitars
Electro Metal
Metal without drums
Electric Guitars & Basses
Main sound of this library presets are electric guitars and electric guitar basses for electronic music with guitar
elements or rock/metal music.
All guitars and basses have same GUI (graphical user interface) and controls, except for FX section.
Every guitar and bass have Vibrato, Mute (palm mute), Pitch and other techniques.
You can control how strong Mute will be, vibrato speed or add release noise.
For more information there is full description of techniques.
You can turn off all fx, guitar boxes and distortion effects from main panel and use own external guitar amps, distortions and reverbs.
There are 3 INI presets which are not count as preset (124 in total). They are for create own guitar sounds.
Under sound examples you will find all presets (guitars, synths and drums). Some presets contain mute, vibrato control or pitch in action.